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Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2019

My Favorite TV Series

Hi everyone, today I will write about my favorite TV series of all time, which is called “La casa de papel”, that is available on Netflix, and that’s one of the reasons why is my favorite TV series, cause I have the facility to watch it whenever I want without problems, cause if I watch a series that it’s on other platform, like illegal series websites I always got troubles after that, with my computer or my phone. This is a Spanish production, that is about a group of people that rob a bank and on the chapters they show how they planned it and the troubles that they have when they are in the bank. The chapters lasts like an hour but for me it’s like 15 minutes cause I get so into it, and that’s why I can’t stop watching it once I start, like I watched the entire third season in 1 day. This series has already 3 seasons and I’m hoping that the fourth one will be released soon, and obviously I’m going to watch it in 1 day probably.

The Best Holidays I've Ever Had

The best vacation I've had was four years ago. On that occasion I visited southern Chile, specially the island of Chiloé for three weeks on summer vacation . I went with my mom, brothers and cousins. I remember it was a very amusing trip, first we visited Valdivia for a few days and then we continued to Chiloé. In Valdivia we visited the botanical garden, the river market, the Corral Bay and many other places. We spent approximately two weeks in Chiloe and it was a very nice and relaxed experience because it was the first time we went there and the place had beautiful viewpoints. I also loved that the forests were full of native trees and there was wildlife of the place, on one occasion We came across a pudú and there were many cauliflowers among the trees, Also at that time were the customs fairs where they showed their crafts, dances and traditions. In addition they told myths and legends of the island. In general, that trip was great, we really enjoyed it and were able to rec

A Country I Would Like to Visit

A country I would like to visit would be Egypt which capital is Cairo this country in particular I find very mysterious and that’s one reason I would like to visit it, besides its beautiful landscapes and enormous deserts. A place that caught my attention is the Nile River, this is the largest river in the world and I would like to do a cruise on it. Another tourist attraction I would definitely go is the Great Pyramid of Giza because is one it is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the World and it contains a very complex and fascinating architecture even for the modern era. Some historians claim that aliens helped ancient dynasties build these pyramids for their ancient pharaohs . Another thing that makes me want to go there is Its people, because tourist that have been there already say the Egyptians are very friendly and nice open to receive foreigners and show them their rich culture. One thing is true, and it is that this place has a lot of magic in it and I’m exited to v